Digital trace research

NFIR beeldmerk kleur
NFIR beeldmerk kleur

Digital trace research

Digital forensics may be necessary in many cases. If you suspect that an employee is harming you in some way, digital evidence of many actions or acts can be found to test this suspicion. Our society is digitized to the point where almost everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, which tracks and stores more data than you might think. Computers are also often treasures of information. Our investigators get to the bottom of the issue, can mitigate the damage and even provide input for a possible lawsuit.

See below for all forms of Digital Forensic Research we perform

There are several conceivable scenarios in which digital forensics can help.

  • Has your employee leaked business-sensitive information?
  • Do you suspect theft of intellectual property?
  • Would you like to know whether there is a data breach requiring notification?
  • Do you think your company’s been hacked?
  • Is your integrity at stake?
  • Have you received a blackmail email and want to know who the sender is?

This is just a small sample of the questions NFIR receives when it comes to digital forensics. Do you have suspicions or questions about a digital issue and want to know if NFIR can help you? Then get in touch and together we will see how NFIR can help you with your situation.

See below for all forms of Digital Forensic Research we perform

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Research on computers and laptops

NFIR examines laptops and computers for malware and can help with hacked systems, as well as find out what actions were performed on the system, including recovering deleted data and securing personal documents.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Research on phones

NFIR can secure and extract phones using equipment and software, accessing photos, videos, call history, downloaded files, browser history, GPS data, text messages, chat apps and gyroscope data, among other things.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Fraud investigation

NFIR may investigate digital trails to detect fraud and provide a legitimate interest in conducting a fraud investigation. Fraud can take several forms, including document forgery, scams and credit fraud.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Extortion investigation

NFIR can conduct Digital Forensic Research in extortion cases, but always assesses legitimate interest first. All information is needed for a proper investigation, but NFIR will use discretion and respect the privacy of those involved. With extortion, it is important to report it and preserve communications from the extortionist as evidence.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Investigation into leaks of corporate information

Prevent corporate information leaks by employees with screening, "forensic readiness" and the "need-to-know" principle, but if information is leaked anyway, act quickly and engage NFIR for investigation and legal action.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

OSINT research

NFIR conducts Digital Forensic Research, including OSINT (Open Source Intelligence). Among other things, this can help find information about IP addresses, buildings and people. NFIR has knowledge and software to conduct OSINT research more effectively and quickly than an average Internet user.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Investigating transgressive behavior

Digital Forensics can help gather evidence of transgressive behavior, such as sexual assault, harassment and stalking, which can also occur on digital channels. Preventive Services: Pentests,Security Monitoring,Security Awareness,File Monitoring,Security Contracts,Social Engineering; Reactive Services:Incident Response,Incident Response Retainer,Digital Forensics

NFIR Digital Forensic Research

Are you interested in one or more Digital Forensics solutions? If so, please contact one of our account managers.

How does this work?

NFIR’s digital forensic investigators can conduct investigations on all types of data carriers such as computers, phones, USB sticks and external hard drives, as well as mailboxes, digital documents and files. How successful a digital forensic investigation will be depends on the traces still present, as well as the logging on the systems.

Multidisciplinary forensic research

In digital investigations, traces and data are collected in a forensic way, which makes it possible to reconstruct what happened. The digital traces will be forensically secured and then analyzed. The findings of the forensic investigation are incorporated into a clear report.

You can use our report if you want to go to court. If you want to report to another official body (such as the Data Protection Authority), you can also use this report. NFIR cooperates with tactical investigators, privacy lawyers, bailiffs and agencies such as the Police, the NCSC, the Public Prosecution Service and various international services.

Do you find yourself in a situation that requires digital forensics, or are you unsure if digital forensics can answer your questions? Contact us and we will work with you to see how NFIR can provide clarity in your situation.

Digital forensics may be necessary in many cases. If you suspect that an employee is harming you in some way, digital evidence of many actions or acts can be found to test this suspicion. Our society is digitized to the point where almost everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, which tracks and stores more data than you might think. Computers are also often treasures of information. Our investigators get to the bottom of the issue, can mitigate the damage and even provide input for a possible lawsuit.

See below for all forms of Digital Forensic Research we perform

There are several conceivable scenarios in which digital forensics can help.

  • Has your employee leaked business-sensitive information?
  • Do you suspect theft of intellectual property?
  • Would you like to know whether there is a data breach requiring notification?
  • Do you think your company’s been hacked?
  • Is your integrity at stake?
  • Have you received a blackmail email and want to know who the sender is?

This is just a small sample of the questions NFIR receives when it comes to digital forensics. Do you have suspicions or questions about a digital issue and want to know if NFIR can help you? Then get in touch and together we will see how NFIR can help you with your situation.

See below for all forms of Digital Forensic Research we perform

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Research on computers and laptops

NFIR examines laptops and computers for malware and can help with hacked systems, as well as find out what actions were performed on the system, including recovering deleted data and securing personal documents.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Research on phones

NFIR can secure and extract phones using equipment and software, accessing photos, videos, call history, downloaded files, browser history, GPS data, text messages, chat apps and gyroscope data, among other things.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Fraud investigation

NFIR may investigate digital trails to detect fraud and provide a legitimate interest in conducting a fraud investigation. Fraud can take several forms, including document forgery, scams and credit fraud.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Extortion investigation

NFIR can conduct Digital Forensic Research in extortion cases, but always assesses legitimate interest first. All information is needed for a proper investigation, but NFIR will use discretion and respect the privacy of those involved. With extortion, it is important to report it and preserve communications from the extortionist as evidence.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Investigation into leaks of corporate information

Prevent corporate information leaks by employees with screening, "forensic readiness" and the "need-to-know" principle, but if information is leaked anyway, act quickly and engage NFIR for investigation and legal action.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

OSINT research

NFIR conducts Digital Forensic Research, including OSINT (Open Source Intelligence). Among other things, this can help find information about IP addresses, buildings and people. NFIR has knowledge and software to conduct OSINT research more effectively and quickly than an average Internet user.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Investigating transgressive behavior

Digital Forensics can help gather evidence of transgressive behavior, such as sexual assault, harassment and stalking, which can also occur on digital channels. Preventive Services: Pentests,Security Monitoring,Security Awareness,File Monitoring,Security Contracts,Social Engineering; Reactive Services:Incident Response,Incident Response Retainer,Digital Forensics

NFIR Digital Forensic Research

Are you interested in one or more Digital Forensics solutions? If so, please contact one of our account managers.

How does this work?

NFIR’s digital forensic investigators can conduct investigations on all types of data carriers such as computers, phones, USB sticks and external hard drives, as well as mailboxes, digital documents and files. How successful a digital forensic investigation will be depends on the traces still present, as well as the logging on the systems.

Multidisciplinary forensic research

In digital investigations, traces and data are collected in a forensic way, which makes it possible to reconstruct what happened. The digital traces will be forensically secured and then analyzed. The findings of the forensic investigation are incorporated into a clear report.

You can use our report if you want to go to court. If you want to report to another official body (such as the Data Protection Authority), you can also use this report. NFIR cooperates with tactical investigators, privacy lawyers, bailiffs and agencies such as the Police, the NCSC, the Public Prosecution Service and various international services.

Do you find yourself in a situation that requires digital forensics, or are you unsure if digital forensics can answer your questions? Contact us and we will work with you to see how NFIR can provide clarity in your situation.


De volgende 30 minuten zijn van cruciaal belang​!

De eerste 30 minuten na een cyber security incident zijn cruciaal, omdat een snelle en adequate reactie de schade kan beperken. Daarnaast kan verdere verspreiding van de aanval worden voorkomen en kan essentieel bewijsmateriaal veiliggesteld worden voor nader onderzoek.

Ons Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) staat 24/7 klaar om bedrijven en organisaties te ondersteunen bij IT-beveiligingsincidenten.

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The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because a quick and adequate response can limit the damage.
In addition, further spread of the attack can be prevented and essential evidence can be secured for further investigation.

Our Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

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